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Luxembourg dating guide advises how to pick up Luxembourger girls and how to hookup with local women in Luxembourg. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you might even meet the love of your life. Read more on how to date Luxembourger women, where to find sex and how to get laid in Luxembourg.

Old City of Luxembourg at night

Luxembourg is a small country which is located in the western part of Europe. The country is officially known as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. To it’s south is the country of France, to its east is the country of Germany, and to the west and the north is the country of Belgium. Luxembourg City is the capital of the country of Luxembourg. The country is one of the smallest sovereign states in the entire continent of Europe and it has a minuscule population of fewer than 600,000 people. The country of Luxembourg is immensely popular across the globe for being one of the best countries in the world and a great ranking on the global happiness index.

Luxembourg Top 10 Overview:

Chance of picking up girls: 4 / 5

Picking up at daytime: 3.5 / 5

Picking up at nighttime: 4 / 5

Looks of girls: 4 / 5

Attitude of girls: 3 / 5

Nightlife in general: 4 / 5

Locals' English level: 3 / 5

Moving around the city: 3.5 / 5

Budget per day: US$150 - $250

Accommodation: US$70 - $200

Girls in Luxembourg

The country of Luxembourg is an extremely small one when it is judged by both it’s area and population. The women here can be stereotyped in various ways and the result won’t even end up being too diverse. If the religious demographics of the country are considered, most of the women are devout Catholics. Almost 95% of the population follows Christianity and they are religious. The remaining 5% belongs to other religions such as the Jews and the Muslims. The women are therefore very open and casual about their religion. Unlike some countries where women are oppressed by the conservative nature of the religion they follow, the women in Luxembourg do not lead lives which are dictated by the long religious list of do’s and don’ts.

The women are undoubtedly traditional and they take great pride in their culture. They do observe all of the Christian festivals with equal joy and fervor. There is a widespread belief that the guiding force of life helps them make the correct decisions every single day. Beyond this, the women are known for being liberal thinkers, they are well read and informed about the current affairs in the entire country. To be honest there isn’t much news to catch up on either. Hence, most of them have good knowledge about the happenings in the neighboring countries as well. The women hail from families that value their privacy as well. Seldom shall one see a woman whose family is intruding in her private life.

The women are also very open about their relationships and sex life at home. They discuss it openly with siblings and friends, at times even with parents and extended family. Being a small community of people the Luxembourgish are tight-knit and they do understand the value of family get-togethers. Hence, do not be surprised if your girlfriend tags you along for a Sunday lunch with her entire family. This is completely normal and you can pick a glass of wine and interact freely. The society, in general, is known for its open thinking and are in sync with the global culture, they do not indulge in gossiping over relationship matters.

When one considers the physical stereotyping of the women in the entire country of Luxembourg, then the first thing that can be said about them is that they look like traditional European beauties with Caucasian features. Many of these women come from different backgrounds. There is a sizeable population that isn’t originally Luxembourgish, instead, these are immigrants from Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, and Belgium. These are all the countries that are in the vicinity of Luxembourg and women have migrated to the country as there is great pay equality, a better standard of living, lesser competition, and prestigious job openings for them.

Almost 40% of the population of Luxembourg comprises of immigrants. With such diversity, one cannot really pinpoint the physical stereotypes apart from the fact that they are European looking. The women have fair skin, they have long noses, high cheekbones, and naturally blonde facial hair such as eyebrows and eyelashes. The women have naturally occurring light colored eyes and they have long straight or wavy blonde hair. Apart from this, women are known for having above-average heights and they have good figures. Most of them have large breasts and round buttocks. The women in the country of Luxembourg are known for their obsession with staying fit and eating healthy. They aspire to be in good shape for the most part of the year.

The women have an attitude which could be described as aloof, these women are busy doing their own thing and occupied with their own thoughts, you might have to interrupt them at times if you want to get their attention. The women of Luxembourg are conscious of their looks, but they do not try too hard. They are particular about personal hygiene and groom well, but never shall you see women in Luxembourg overdoing their makeup or being overdressed. They have a good taste in fashion and buy some of the best clothing from reputed European brands but they do not wear anything that is too jazzy or flashy. They usually prefer being decked up in clothing that makes them feel comfortable, confident, and at ease.

The country has an extremely small population, therefore, the number of schools and educational institutions are also limited. The education system is also unique as it is a trilingual system. In the initial stages of learning, the children are taught in Luxembourgish, then the language changes to German in primary school and eventually in secondary school the language for communication and learning is French. Apart from Luxembourgish, German, and French, the children also learn to write and speak in English, hence, most of the women you shall interact with, in Luxembourg, shall be proficient in multiple languages. Many of the women who hail from Portuguese backgrounds can speak Portuguese as well.

On the whole, the University of Luxembourg is the only university to be based in the entire country and there are also quite a few institutes and universities from foreign countries such as the United States of America. After completing their degree most of the women in the city are widely employed, they go to work every day and earn their fair share of wages, they seldom depend on anyone else and serve their own needs with the money they earn. They are extremely financially independent. So do not be surprised if your date is okay to split the bill on your date.

RatingLooks Looks of girls: 3 / 5

The women who are natives of Luxembourg are quite beautiful. There are a host of women who hail from different backgrounds, this depends on which part of the country you are in, but they are appealing nonetheless. The above rating is given only after due consideration to all factors.

RatingAttitude Attitude of girls: 3 / 5

The girls in the country of Luxembourg are most definitely friendly and will not hesitate in getting close to a relatively unknown tourist, they might seem aloof at times but on the whole, they are approachable. Their attitude primarily depends upon the way you treat them. The above rating represents the attitude of women in the country of Luxembourg.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Luxembourg. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

How to Pick Up Girls

Luxembourg as a country is immensely popular across the world for a good standard of living, relatively relaxed life, and for being a well-organized country. The area that is occupied by the entire country is probably the size of a state in some of the biggest countries in the world. The women in Luxembourg are extremely chill and relaxed, the culture here is pretty open and seldom shall you find anybody who is overly conservative in any way whatsoever.

The chances of picking up girls are really good in Luxembourg and it stays that way despite where you are in the entire country. Here, you can directly approach the women, have a chat with them, charm them, and if you are good at your game, you will most certainly get lucky. The women in the entire country could be deemed as beautiful with typical European features, they might all not look the same, but definitely appealing to the tourists. Men who have a casual attitude while approaching women, while ensuring that they are courteous and not too loud tend to do well while picking up girls. Given below are a list of tips and tricks that you must follow in order to pick up girls with minimum effort in the country of Luxembourg.

RatingPickup Chance of picking up: 4 / 5

The chance of picking up horny girls in the country of Luxembourg is extremely good as most of the women are casual and open-minded, they shall most certainly be willing to hook up or date foreign men. The above rating justifies the point being made here.

Tips for Daytime

The daytime game in the country of Luxembourg is very good. It is widely believed that the women have a serious outlook but that isn’t entirely true, yes the women are passionate about their work and will not indulge in too much fun during their work hours, they shall most certainly be open to making a small conversation and later picking it up after they are done with their daily work. The women are ready to flirt even when the sun is out and shining brightly, there shall be hardly a few women who shall blow you off early on despite you flirting well. The most important point to remember while flirting during the daytime is that your advances should not be too loud or tacky, keep things simple and classy while approaching the girls. Given below are a list of tricks and tips to keep in mind while approaching the women in Luxembourg,

How to approach the girls?

Approaching women while in the country of Luxembourg is not a very difficult task, this because such is the culture in the country that one can most certainly walk up to a pretty woman on the street and start flirting with her. This is surely not frowned upon and if you manage to flirt well, you can be assured of getting a positive response. Women love men who are confident while approaching them. Women generally are averse to men who are low on confidence. The men who can walk up to women, introduce themselves, give a charming smile, host a conversation for 15 minutes at least and break the ice by being their charismatic best are the ones who usually end up doing well. You could literally approach a woman anywhere and she shall be comfortable with it, all you need to ensure is that you command her attention for every second of the time you spend talking to her.

The women have a habit of being in public places and using their phones excessively or listening to songs with their earphones on. This may be a hindrance while approaching women but you need to find innovative ways of interrupting her without really annoying or offending her. You could begin the conversation with small talk and generic topics, but if you begin the conversation with a bold statement or even a compliment you could end up doing really well as the women appreciate bold compliments. The biggest advantage of Luxembourg is that the women here are very direct, so one does not need to beat around the bush, be straightforward and you shall get a direct response as well.

RatingDaytime Chance of picking up at daytime: 3 / 5

Chances of picking up women at daytime are quite good and if you approach them with a foolproof plan you are likely to get lucky at some point of time in the near future. The above-given rating is sufficient to describe the situation in the country of Luxembourg.

Best Places to Meet Girls

The country of Luxembourg has much to offer and there are multiple places that you can go to for meeting women who look good and above all speak fluent English. As mentioned earlier the women who are working or headed to class are serious for the duration but they are fun and friendly after hours. You will see many women who look stunning, simply walking on the streets or even commuting in public transportation. Given below is a list of some of the best places to visit in the country of Luxembourg to pick up horny girls:

  • Shopping Village Pall Centre
  • La Belle Etoile
  • Auchan Kirchberg
  • Knauf Shopping Centre Pommerloch
  • Auchan Opkorn

Tips for Nighttime

By now, a majority of the readers are pumped learning about the amazing daytime game in the entire country of Luxembourg. Much like the other countries across the globe, the night time game is much better than the daytime. This is primarily because most of the women who are serious during the daytime completing all their chores and work are rid of all the worries post-sunset and looking to step out and blow off some steam. The women are ready to let their hair loose and step out at night, looking to have some fun. The women usually prefer going out and enjoying a drink with her girlfriends over gossip. While they are busy with that they love interacting with men approaching them and even possibly hooking up with men if they are charming and good looking. The best places at night time to meet women are bars, restaurants, and nightclubs.

The advantage of being in Luxembourg is that you no longer need to dress up and step out. The people here like wearing clothes they are comfortable in irrespective of it being glamorous or not, hence, you could even step out in a pair of denim and a t-shirt while hitting some of the best spots to party at night. The door policy at most of the clubs is casual as well, they are extremely accommodating towards foreigners. It is highly advisable to learn a few phrases or pickup lines in one of the many widely spoken languages in the country of Luxembourg. This includes German, French, and Luxembourgish. This does improve your chances and makes a significant impression in the minds of the women who appreciate the effort you take.

RatingNighttime Chance of hooking up at nighttime: 4.5 / 5

The chances of hooking up at night time are very good in the country of Luxembourg, and a majority of this can be attributed to the young crowd that visits nightclubs and pubs, to have a good time and above all they have no qualms about casual sex. The above rating justifies all of the above points.

Best Nightclubs to Meet Girls

The nightlife in Luxembourg is quite good if to be spoken about in broader terms. Here the bars and nightclubs have some good music, brilliantly lit dance floors, lip-smacking cocktails, and some of the most sexually available horny girls. Some of these horny girls won't even wait for you to get home and start making out with you on the bar stools itself and all the way back to your place in public transportation as well. The nightlife might not be as great as the one that shall be seen in the neighboring countries of France, Germany, and Belgium, but it does have enough to stand its own ground. Given below is a list of some of the most happening nightclubs, pubs, and bars to meet naughty females in the country of Luxembourg:

  • Rock Solid at 30 Rue de la Poste
  • Buvette at 2 Rue de la Rotonde
  • Urban at 2 Rue de la Boucherie
  • Café des Tramways at 79 Avenue Pasteur
  • Go Ten Bar & Cafe at 10 Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes
  • De Gudde Wëllen at 17 Rue du St Esprit
  • Gotham at 14 Avenue de la Faiencerie
RatingLooks Nightlife in general: 4 / 5

Mature Ladies and Cougars

As described in the above segment, the culture in the country of Luxembourg is casual. The general people do not care much about who a woman meets, dates, or falls in love with. They are known for minding their own business and being happy for the choices made by an adult individual. The rule stands to be the same whether it is a young woman or a mature one. Hence, when in Luxembourg, tourists have a great chance to hook up with mature women. The method of wooing them is significantly different though and one needs to most certainly be a little more formal, have a richer taste, and be high on manners and etiquettes.

Those who wish to hook up with mature women must try meeting those who are divorced, widowed, or unmarried. These women are an open game and easier to woo in comparison to married women. This does not entirely imply that the married women are unavailable, it simply means that for hooking up with mature married women you shall have to double your efforts and ensure that her life isn’t wrecked after your fling. Try to keep things courteous and respectable. Apart from meeting mature women at bars, nightclubs, fine dining restaurants, the best way to meet them and interact with them is on online dating websites and applications. The anonymity and chat rooms help both parties judge strangers before actually meeting them.


When visiting Luxembourg, dating can be a fun and interesting experience., lets you meet local members in Luxembourg and get to know them on a personal basis before you arrive. It just takes a few minutes, you simply create an account, upload a few images and tell a little about yourself. Since time in your destination may be limited, get to know each other’s desires beforehand so when you do meet, you can skip the awkward introductions and start having some real fun.

Top Dating Tips

When you are dating in the country of Luxembourg, it is bound to be an immensely smooth experience, there are, however, a few guidelines that one must consider while dating Luxembourgish women. Hooking up in the country might be an easy task as it mainly involves physical relations only. But when dating is taken into account most of the women will not cozy up to the men easily, they shall take a lot of time to develop an understanding and establish a level of trust. Only after the first few dates shall the couple indulge in exchanging the customary kisses on each other's cheeks. Until that point, the first few dates shall only involve both parties being extremely formal, they might not even exchange informal hugs, to shall just be a handshake to greet and a shoulder hug to part away. The men are expected to be extremely chivalrous and gentleman-like. They are expected to pick up the women from home and drop them back. Aside from this, it is their responsibility to pay the bill on the first few dates.

Punctuality is also of utmost importance and men must be there to pick up women from the agreed upon location at least 15 minutes before the given time. Hence, dating in Luxembourg is recommended only for those men who are looking for something serious and long-term. Also, most of the women in Luxembourg love their cell phones, they seldom go anywhere without them and they love texting all the time. So embrace your inner tech-savvy self, and embrace flirting via text or phone calls, more about this is given in the section below. Some of the best places to take a woman out on a date are given below:

  • Edmund Klein Park
  • Parcs de la Petrusse
  • Little Switzerland
  • Merl-Belair

These are some of the places one must visit if the weather is bright and sunny. While some of the most romantic places to enjoy a nice date under the heritage and culture are listed below:

  • Cathedrale of Notre Dame
  • Vianden Castle
  • Musée national d’histoire et d’art Luxembourg
  • Mudam Luxembourg Modern Art Museum

Relationships and Love

Thousands of single women in Luxembourg are searching for a partner and potential future husband. Check out an ultimate guide for dating local girls, relationships, love and marriage: Relationship & Love Guide to Luxembourg

Online Dating

The dating culture in Luxembourg has always been popular for being extremely direct without too many frills and fuss. The recent few years have brought about a major change in the way that people date. When in Luxembourg an individual no longer needs to go on an awkward blind date, instead they can make use of online dating apps and websites to screen their prospective dates on various fronts before meeting up. Not just that, you also have a wider variety of men and women to date. Therefore, tourists who wish to use online apps and websites in the country of Luxembourg to find a date at the earliest can try the given below dating apps:

  • Tinder: The app which was launched almost seven years ago in 2012, the young adults in Luxembourg upon learning about it took a liking to it and introduced everyone around to it. Much like the other countries, it is popular in, Tinder is immensely famous in the country of Luxembourg as well, besides being the market leader too. This is the app which is used by most of the people in the entire country as well and should be the first choice for those looking to enlist the help of online dating to find a match. The app has a similar interface and user experience as the global version.
  • Badoo: Badoo is present in over 190 countries and in the country of Luxembourg too it has a solid user base which boasts of a huge number of active female users. It operates on the famed freemium mode which allows users to access core features of the app without paying much.

On most of the above websites and apps, you shall not find prostitutes and ladyboys, and the experience is user-friendly. But as a precaution, it is better to confirm before jumping into bed with a woman.

Live Cam Dating

Are you looking for virtual satisfaction in Luxembourg? Chat with live web camera models and find the best girl for your needs. There are thousands of girls online 24/7 waiting for you: Live Cam Girls

What Kind of Guys Have the Best Chances

As described throughout the above sections, the dating culture and chance of picking up women both are very good in the entire country of Luxembourg. Therefore, men already have an added advantage before they begin hitting on women. But the men who have a specific set of traits are the ones that have the best chances.

To begin with, those men who are confident and have an aggressive stance do well. Women often tend to dislike men who are shy and beat around the bush. Men who are chivalrous, and have qualities of that of a gentleman are hot favorites. Small things such as pulling a chair for a lady, opening a door, and respecting her decisions, go a long way while creating an impression.

Secondly, those men who are from foreign countries and speak English primarily but yet make an effort while talking to women in languages such as German and French are the ones who have better chances than other men. If you are a man who can speak even remotely decent Luxembourgish you shall surely have the best chance in the room as women are likely to love the effort you have taken to speak in such a rare language.

Beyond the above-mentioned aspects, the usual perks of having your own car, accommodation and complete privacy do help, and as usual, the bigger they are, the greater are your chances.

Risks while Gaming

The first and foremost thing that you should do as a tourist always keep your passport, visa documents, and essentials in a safe place. Also, keep some cash hidden in a safe place in case of any emergencies. This might not be highly essential in the country of Luxembourg as women are not known for scamming men after they hook up. This is usually seen in some of the poor nations of the Eastern part of the World. Secondly, one must avoid hooking up with prostitutes, sometimes the women you meet at bars might be prostitutes and you won’t even realize this until the next morning when she or her pimp shall ask you for money.

It is better that you analyze the risk before hopping into bed. The same applies to women you meet on online dating apps, while there are not many prostitutes on these, there could be fake profiles and arising scams. Lastly, though the culture is not very rigid and the women are accountable for their own actions, if you are caught hooking up with a woman who is committed or married you could end up in a verbal argument or physical fight. Hence, it is advisable to be careful in such scenarios.

How to Get Laid as Soon as Possible

To get laid with some of the hottest women in the country of Luxembourg, that too as soon as possible, the best option is to visit the topmost rated nightclubs and restaurants in town. This can be attributed to the fact that post-midnight the clubs are jam-packed with the hottest women in town, who are sexually charged up and ready to hop into bed. The only thing that you will have to do is step out in your best set of clothes, armed with one-liners in Luxembourgish and a charming personality. Apart from this, you can also try using online dating apps and websites which are fairly reliable and can get you laid even more quickly.

Gold Diggers and Sugar Babies

Luxembourg is full of hot girls looking for a mutually beneficial hookup with travellers. There are lots of girls who don’t charge by the hour but who will do anything for a guy who is willing to help them pay their bills. If you are looking for a more personal and less transactional alternative to escorts, a good place to find these sexy open-minded girls in Luxembourg is SecretBenefits.

The population of the country is too less for gold diggers and sugar babies to thrive. Most of the people end up having mutual friends and the women who are indeed gold diggers end up having only a few relationships of fun before they break up and word gets around the towns in the country of Luxembourg. Hence, women act smart and might play only one or two rich men to enjoy a few days of fun or they target tourists.


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Swinger Clubs and Naturism

There are not many swinger clubs in the country of Luxembourg that people know about openly. Swinging and Naturism might be taking place behind closed doors in utmost privacy but tourists and the outside world are nor privy to this information. One shall most certainly have to make suitable friends to get inside information and access to such activities.

Costs of Living

The country of Luxembourg is quite expensive for tourists visiting the city. It is one of the most expensive countries in Europe and a modest trip here has the potential of setting you back by a few thousand US Dollars.

CostsDay Single traveler’s budget per day: US$150 - $250

The single traveler shall not end up spending more than 150 USD if he is on a budget trip to Luxembourg, and if he wishes to spend more to have a better quality trip, he may end up spending around 250 USD.

The daily expenditure of a simple traveler who eats local meals and stays at simple or shared accommodation options is not more than 150 USD. The estimate includes a few visits to local places of sightseeing and entertainment which have an admission fee of less than 50 USD. If you wish to enjoy a comfortable trip with clean amenities and services, the budget shall be utilized as follows:

CostsAccommodation Accommodation per night: US$XX - $XX

The tourists who are travelling to Luxembourg on a budget can survive at a per day average of 70 USD if they live in shared spaces.

CostsBeerBottle Beer in a grocery shop: US$03 - $5

There is a regular grocery shop costs not more than 3 USD a pint and one can purchase more than enough alcohol for a day in 15 USD at max.

CostsBeerBar Beer in a bar or restaurant: US$07 - $10

A pint of beer at a restaurant does increase the cost to 7 USD, if you choose international brands it may cost you 10-15 USD.

CostsMeal Meal in a restaurant: US$40 - $50

The food in Luxembourg is actually worth the money and if one wishes to eat from simple outlets, the daily food bill shall not exceed more than 30 USD as a simple breakfast is not more than 8 USD, while the lunch and dinner won't cost more than 12 USD each meal. Dinner at a traditional restaurant shall end up costing you at least 50 USD per meal.


If one chooses to upgrade the accommodation, to enjoy amenities and impress the women who you bring back home, that 3-star to the 5-star hotel cost 120 USD and upwards per night.

How to Get There and Move Around

The country of Luxembourg has a decent network of public transport, including traveling by air, bus, road, train or even by boat. The options for transport are described below:

By air:

The airport in the country of Luxembourg is the Luxembourg Airport, which is situated in Luxembourg City. Cargolux and Luxair are the two airlines which use the airport as their hub for cargo and passenger transport respectively.

By bus:

The country of Luxembourg is served by the Autobus de la Ville de Luxembourg (AVL) and the buses operate on several different routes. The country is famous for being the first country in the world to make public transportation free for all its citizens, the step is being hailed as a revolutionary move to combat pollution and rampant energy use.

By car:

The country of Luxembourg does have some of the finest highways and they connect to the other countries as well. The country is at the heart of the European Gold Triangle. Tourists can always choose the option of renting a cab to transport them in and around the town or they can always choose to rent a self-driving car provided they have a valid international drivers license.

By train:

The rail network in Luxembourg is quite vast and spread across the whole country. The majority of the trains are handled by the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) which is state-owned and since December 2017, there is a local tram service connecting different parts of Luxembourg City.

By boat:

The entire country of Luxembourg is landlocked and reaching via sea is not an option here.


Most of the citizens from major countries across the globe don’t require a visa to visit Luxembourg as there is a visa on arrival. You shall get a Visa exemption stamp and it grants you a 90-day visa. Those citizens from countries that do not have visa on arrival shall have to apply at the Luxembourgish consulate before travelling.

Digital Nomads and Remote Work

The country of Luxembourg is one of the best places to be a digital nomad if viewed from the point of view of facilities offered. This does however come at a cost, as the city does have excellent infrastructure, there are great places to work from, it is immensely safe and the population is extremely low, to top it all the internet speed is great and the wifi connectivity in the entire city is world class. But at a cost of over 5000 USD per month for all of this, Luxembourg is not a great place for a digital nomad.

Internet and Mobile Operators

The country of Luxembourg has great 4G coverage for mobile network and internet access. The infrastructure is extremely good and offers speeds up to 100 Mbps with an average speed of 35 Mbps, but here are some of the biggest telecom operators in Luxembourg:

  • Post Luxembourg
  • Tango Luxembourg
  • Orange Luxembourg
  • Join Experience

Gambling and Casinos

Gambling in Casinos in Luxembourg is possible and legal in the commune of Luxembourg called Mondorf-les-Bains. This particular area has a casino named Casino 2000, which is widely regarded as one of the best casinos in all over Europe.

Weed and Drugs

The use of drugs is prevalent in the country of Luxembourg. While most of the hard drugs are banned in the country, the use of cannabis is permissible for medical purposes.

Health, Fitness, Gyms and Massage

Some of the biggest fitness and gym chains have set up shop in Luxembourg, but these are mostly local chains which are native to only the country. A tourist can enjoy massages at some of the best spas in the entire country which are like weekend getaways for complete relaxation. These include Cabinet Just Zen Sarl-s and Les Thermes, both of which are in Luxembourg City.

STDs and HIV

The country of Luxembourg has less than 100 cases of HIV patients being reported each year and the awareness among the citizens is also commendable, despite it all protected sex is always recommended to all the visiting foreign nationals.

Stay Safe

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