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Hainan dating guide advises how to pick up Chinese girls and how to hookup with local women in Hainan. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you might even meet the love of your life. Read more on how to date Chinese women, where to find sex and how to get laid in Hainan, China.

Beach at Sanya on Hainan Island

Hainan is the smallest and the southernmost province of Mainland China. The name of the province translates to “south of the sea” which is an apt name for the province. Hainan consists mostly of the large Hainan island and various other smaller islands.

Tourism is an important part of the economy here due to an abundance of tropical beaches and lush forests. Other than flora and fauna, there’s a lot that this region has to offer. More details on the province, the culture, nightlife, girls, and more are provided in the sections below.

Hainan Top 10 Overview:

Chance of picking up girls: 3.5 / 5

Picking up at daytime: 3.5 / 5

Picking up at nighttime: 3.5 / 5

Looks of girls: 4.0 / 5

Attitude of girls: 4.0 / 5

Nightlife in general: 4.0 / 5

Locals' English level: 2.5 / 5

Moving around the city: 3.0 / 5

Budget per day: US$100 - $200

Accommodation: US$42 - $80

Girls in Hainan

There are always a lot of hot girls in the different islands of Hainan. Due to the tourist-centric nature of the place, most of the girls you’ll meet here will not be locals but from different parts of the country. You might also come across some international tourists here too. Russian girls are often seen around these islands on vacation.

There are a lot of hot Chinese girls on the islands here. Most of them have small petite bodies with dark eyes and hair. The stereotypical Chinese girl here will be very feminine and physically fit. Even though a lot of people think that most Chinese girls are “flat”, you would find them to be wrong as there are a lot of voluptuous hot girls in Hainan.

In terms of personality, most of the girls here conform to the traditional gender norms and prefer men who complement their natural feminity with a strong sense of masculinity. While the language barrier used to be an issue with the girls here, these days a lot more girls know how to speak basic English and there’s a western influence that is clearly affecting Hainan.

RatingLooks Looks of girls: 4 / 5

There are a lot of hot girls here who will be considered to be true stunners all over the world. The girls here usually have petite, short bodies that they like to keep in shape. Most of the girls here wear really nice clothes and use the perfect amount of makeup to complement their natural beauty.

RatingAttitude Attitude of girls: 4 / 5

Most of the girls you’ll find here will most likely have liberal western influences and are open to the idea of being approached by guys. They’re usually pretty shy at first but once they open up, most of them have pretty great personalities and attitudes.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Hainan. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

How to Pick Up Girls

Picking up girls in Hainan can be one of the best experiences of your life. The big cities like Haikou and Sanya have a lot of places where you can game both during the day and night. There are plenty of beaches, tourist spots, markets, malls, and cafes with hot local girls and tourists where you can meet girls during the day.

You can also expect a lot of decent results in gaming during the night too. There are a lot of great nightclubs across the entire province. Most of the nightclubs are filled with hot Chinese girls and tourist girls from other countries. The girls you’ll meet during the night will most likely expect to get approached and are usually very open about it.

RatingPickup Chance of picking up: 3.5 / 5

Most guys will have a pretty great chance of picking up girls overall in Hainan. Due to the party-centric atmosphere of cities like Haikou and Sanya, you can expect to have tons of opportunities when it comes to meeting girls here.

You will also have a good chance at hooking up with a lot of tourists who’re traveling through the province too. Most of these tourists will be Russian girls but girls from other countries are also encountered here and there.

Tips for Daytime

The best way to approach girls during the day is to do it indirectly. Even though most of the girls here have some western influences, they’re usually conditioned by their society to not be too sexually open. If you approach them too directly, even the girls that like you here might get scared off.

Being indirect also works for picking up tourists here. Picking them up is actually pretty easy as you both already share something in common as you’re both traveling through the area. Most of the tourists are usually looking to meet other travelers as a lot of the locals here do not like being friends with tourists.

RatingDaytime Chance of picking up at daytime: 3.5 / 5

You’ll have a pretty decent chance of picking up girls during the day here. There’s no shortage of opportunities when it comes to your dating life in Hainan and you can get a lot of great results if you play your cards right during your time here.

Best Places to Meet Girls

There’s a lot of places on the different islands of Hainan where you can meet girls during the day to pick them up. Here are some of the best places to meet girls in Hainan during the day:

  • Bo’ao
  • Jinrongshu Cafe
  • Summer Mall

Tips for Nighttime

Gaming during the night in Hainan can be pretty effective and fun. Most of the nightclubs here are usually filled with hot girls who’re looking for a fun time. Most of the high-end clubs here are filled with a lot of hot local girls with western values and the chances of getting a one night stand are pretty high.

Approaching girls directly during the night can work but it can also fail depending on the girl. Most of the girls you’ll meet at the late hours of the evening will usually be drunk and more open to conversations and experiences.

RatingNighttime Chance of hooking up at nighttime: 3.5 / 5

The majority of guys will have a pretty good chance of hooking up with the girls here. There is an abundance of nightclubs spread across the island and you can expect to meet a lot of girls every night out.

Best Nightclubs to Meet Girls

While most of the nightclubs are centered around the major cities like Sanya, there are smaller clubs, bars, and pubs on a lot of the islands here. Some of the best nightclubs in the province to meet girls include:

  • Gold Night Club
  • Taizi Road Night Club
  • Empire Plute Nightclub
RatingLooks Nightlife in general: 4 / 5

The nightlife is pretty decent here and there’s a lot of great nightclubs here that stay open till the early hours of the morning. Most of the province is in party mode for almost all days of the week and you can expect to get a lot of results with many hot girls during your time in Hainan.

Mature Ladies and Cougars

Finding decent mature ladies and cougars here can be pretty hard as most of the local girls you’ll meet here will be on the younger side. The culture here isn’t really open to the idea of cougars so you might not find a lot of options when you’re looking for mature ladies and cougars here.


When visiting Hainan, dating can be a fun and interesting experience. AdultFriendFinder.com, lets you meet local members in Hainan and get to know them on a personal basis before you arrive. It just takes a few minutes, you simply create an account, upload a few images and tell a little about yourself. Since time in your destination may be limited, get to know each other’s desires beforehand so when you do meet, you can skip the awkward introductions and start having some real fun.

Top Dating Tips

Most girls here are usually pretty feminine and prefer strong connections with guys who are naturally masculine and strong. They prefer being led throughout the interaction and like guys who can do so.

It is also important to note that showing off your wealth and status will not work as well here as it can in some Eastern European countries. Most of the girls here are usually pretty well off and are usually not after your wallet.

For most girls here, hooking up with a foreign tourist is all about enjoying a novelty experience and most of them would do it if they know they would not be judged and nobody would find out. This is why it is always important to give the girls plausible deniability through every step of the interaction.

Relationships and Love

Thousands of single women in Hainan are searching for a partner and potential future husband. Check out an ultimate guide for dating local girls, relationships, love and marriage: Relationship & Love Guide to Hainan

Online Dating

Online dating can be an excellent way to meet hot girls in Hainan. Most of the girls, especially the younger ones, like using online dating to meet guys they would normally not be comfortable approaching in real life. In addition, being a foreign tourist on the dating apps here will also give you a pretty decent advantage. Here are some of the best online dating apps you can use in Hainan:

  • Tinder - Considered to be the biggest dating app in the world, you can find tons of girls and meet up with them using Tinder in Hainan.
  • Badoo - Badoo is another major dating app that can give you pretty decent results in Hainan.
  • Happn - Lastly, Happn is one of the best dating apps for tourists and travelers. The app tries to match you up with all the girls who might have walked by you in real life in the last 24 hours. You can meet a lot of hot tourists using Happn in a tourist-centric place like Hainan.

Live Cam Dating

Are you looking for virtual satisfaction in Hainan? Chat with live web camera models and find the best girl for your needs. There are thousands of girls online 24/7 waiting for you: Live Cam Girls

What Kind of Guys Have the Best Chances

Successful guys who are natural leaders will have the best chances of getting laid here. Most of the girls here are usually very sensitive to their feminity and like to experience being with someone who nourishes their feminity with solid masculinity.

While being wealthy will improve your chances of getting laid here, showing it off will not. Most of the girls here enjoy a decent quality of life and aren’t easily impressed.

Most foreigners here will also have a pretty decent chance of getting laid here. Most of the girls are bored with the local guys here and want to experience something new and unique.

Lastly, guys who know a bit about the local language and culture will also do pretty well with the girls here. Most of the girls you’ll meet here will be really into their culture and language and having a little bit of inside info can only help your chances here.

Risks while Gaming

There are not really any risks you should worry about when you’re gaming here. The culture is pretty open and there aren’t really many cock blockers or white knights here. Most of the girls here like being approached and don’t see a big problem with it.

However, it is still very important to ensure that you are always safe during your time in Hainan. Even though crime isn’t really high in the province, there have been a few reports of problems in the area and it is better to keep an eye out on your surroundings when you’re gaming here.

How to Get Laid as Soon as Possible

If you want to get laid as soon as possible, it is important to book your accommodation near the nightclub area of Sanya. Use online dating as much as possible to get as many dates as you possibly can get.

In addition, focus heavily on gaming during the night. Most nightclubs will have at least some chicks who would be ready to go back to your room just because you are a foreigner. Of course, you need a little bit of game to close the deal.

Lastly, the girls here can be a bit flaky so it is a good idea to set up multiple dates online on the same day to ensure that you’ll go on a legit date and have a chance to hook up later with her.

Gold Diggers and Sugar Babies

The Sugar Baby scene in Hainan is still quite new but there are a lot of beautiful young girls looking for a Sugar Daddy. The best and safest way to hook up with a Sugar Baby is online. At SecretBenefits there is a wide selection of nice girls who are looking for an older guy to take care of them. These babes are easy to approach and you can settle everything before meeting up.

Anyone can be a sugar daddy. Just create your free account at SecretBenefits and start enjoying the wide selection of Sugar Babies available.


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Swinger Clubs and Naturism

There is a serious lack of swinger clubs and naturist venues here. The culture here isn’t really that liberal here and it can be hard to enjoy that kind of lifestyle in Hainan. So, unfortunately, there are no swinger clubs or legal naturist venues to be found in the islands here.

Costs of Living

The costs of living in Hainan are petty low and most people should find it affordable to live here. More details about the costs of living are provided in the different sections below.

CostsDay Single traveler’s budget per day: US$100 - $200

A budget of at least $100 per day or more is required to have a decent time in Hainan for a single person. There’s a lot of things to do here and you might end up extending your budget but most people would not feel the need to have a budget over $200 per day here.

CostsAccommodation Accommodation per night: US$42 - $80

The cost of accommodation at basic hotels here usually start at around $42 per night. Better hotels charge a higher price and you can expect to pay up to $80 per night for the real high-end hotels here.

CostsBeerBottle Beer in a grocery shop: US$1 - $2

The cost of a beer in a grocery shop here will be between $1 and $2. Most of the shops often offer discounts which can make the cost even lower.

CostsBeerBar Beer in a bar or restaurant: US$3 - $5

Bar and restaurants here can charge somewhere between $3 and $5 for a beer. Some high-end places can charge a bit more here though.

CostsMeal Meal in a restaurant: US$5 - $22

Most basic restaurants and fast-food chain restaurants charge around $5 to $8 for the equivalent of a meal. A good restaurant here can charge up to $22 for a decent meal for two people.


There are a lot of great accommodation options that you can find throughout the entire province. The best accommodation in the province is usually located in the bigger cities like Sanya and Haikou. However, you can find decent hotels throughout the region but it can be a bit expensive.

How to Get There and Move Around

The province of Hainan consists of a number of islands and while it might seem that getting into the province and moving around might not be easy but that’s not the case. Due to the developing tourism industry in the area, it has become to get into the province and move around it. More details are provided in the different sections below.

By air:

Both Haikou and Sanya have airports that connect the cities to a lot of Chinese cities. There are also some flights that connect these cities to other cities mostly in Southeast Asia.

There are a number of transfers available at both airports and getting to the city from the airport is pretty easy and convenient for the most part.

By bus:

Haikou and Sanya are connected with three highways and you can find a number of buses running on these highways connecting these cities together. Most of the significant places in the entire province are situated near these highways so getting around the province by bus is not really an issue at all here.

By car:

The major cities of Hainan are connected with a network of highways. You can either take a long-distance cab or drive a rental car to navigate through the city.

By train:

There are daily trains connecting the province to cities like Guangzhou, Beijing, and Shanghai. There are three main stoppage points for the trains in Hainan - Haikou, Sanya, and Dongfang.

By boat:

It is possible to reach Hainan by boat as there are a number of ferry services you can use to get you into and around Hainan.


China has a pretty strict visa policy and doesn’t allow nationals from a lot of countries like the United States, Australia, Russia, and a lot of European countries to visit the country without a visa. So you will most likely have to get a visa from the Chinese embassy before deciding to visit Hainan.

Digital Nomads and Remote Work

Hainan is a very affordable place to live in and is also pretty safe. You can find plenty of fun stuff to do here and the weather is nice all year round. However, even though most people here can speak basic English, it can be a bit hard to make friends with the locals here.

The hospitals here are also not up to the mark and the traffic can also be a little dangerous here. Due to these reasons, Hainan is not really the best destination for most digital nomads to live in here.

Internet and Mobile Operators

China has a pretty great communications network and you can find connectivity in most parts of the city. However, don’t expect the internet to be super fast in the remote areas of the province. Here are the best internet and mobile operators to use in the province:

  • China Mobile
  • China Unicom
  • China Telecom Corporation

Gambling and Casinos

Gambling is not legal in Hainan so you wouldn’t be able to face any gambling action here. Even if you do find a casino here, it is most likely illegally run.

Weed and Drugs

Cannabis is not legal in China and you can end up facing legal troubles if you’re caught smoking weed here. The local police are often known to target tourists more so you should definitely be careful and try to stay away from drugs as much as possible during your time here.

Health, Fitness, Gyms and Massage

Due to the remote location of the islands here, there is a lack of healthcare facilities here. While the hospitals here can take definitely take care of basic health problems, you might be transferred to a hospital in the mainland if your condition is something serious. Here are some of the best hospitals in the province:

  • Haikoi People’s Hospital (Haikou)
  • Hainan Nongken Sanya Hospital (Sanya)
  • Sanya People’s Hospital (Sanya)

There are also a few decent gyms here. Most of the gyms here usually have state of the art equipment and facilities. Some of the best gyms in the province include:

  • Dawei Fitness Club (Haikou)
  • Yecheng Fitness Center (Hainan)
  • Yakang Fitness Center (Hainan)

You can also find a lot of great spas located all over the province. Most of these spas offer boutique experiences that are meant to cater to foreign tourists. Of course, in terms of price, they are usually pretty high-end. Here are some of the best spas in the province:

  • Hilton Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa (Sanya)
  • Crowne Plaza Hotel (Wanyi)
  • Golden Coast Spa (Sanya)

STDs and HIV

The HIV prevalence rate in China is very low and you don’t really have to worry about facing any STDs like HIV here. Most of the girls here are usually clean but it’s a good idea to use protection if possible to prevent unintended consequences in the future.

Stay Safe

Be very careful with water sports on Hainan. Government regulation of activities such as parasailing, diving, and boating on Hainan is lax, so staff often provide little or no training to customers, and the equipment can be shoddy. Without adequate safety precautions, these activities can be dangerous, and even fatal.

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