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Belarus dating guide advises how to pick up Belarusian girls and how to hookup with local women in Belarus. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you might even meet the love of your life. Read more on how to date Belarusian women, where to find sex and how to get laid in Belarus, Europe.

Minsk skyline near Niamiha
Belarus Top 10 Overview:

Chance of picking up girls: 4 / 5

Picking up at daytime: 4 / 5

Picking up at nighttime: 4 / 5

Looks of girls: 4 / 5

Attitude of girls: 4 / 5

Nightlife in general: 4 / 5

Locals' English level: 3 / 5

Transportation: 4 / 5

Budget per day: US$60 - $450

Accommodation: US$20 - $300

Belarusian Girls

If you happen to be contemplating visiting Belarus anytime soon, know that you are in for more than just sightseeing and touring its wonderful and historic sites. Of course, there are some scenic places in this Eastern European country that are worth visiting. But more than just these places of interest, there are the girls of Belarus to look forward to. If you are to sum up these damsels in one word, that might be a bit difficult. This is because you would need more than one word to describe their beauty and their strengths. What about multiple words? Now, this is an easier task. In terms of description of Belarusian girls, you can sum them up as charming, astonishingly beautiful, model-like, and real homemakers.

You might wonder why so many positive qualities are being ascribed to these women of Belarus. Well, perhaps you should take a look at the world stage where they seem to feature prominently in different areas of endeavor, displaying their effortless model-like beauty in their chosen fields of pursuit. Take, for instance, Lizzie Vaynerchuk, the lovely wife of Gary Vaynerchuk the internet personality, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. There is also Maryna Linchuk a popular fashion model, Svetlana Boginskaya the Olympic athlete, Olga Korbut a Gymnast, and Svetlana Alexievich a writer and Nobel Prize Winner in Literature. A cursory look at all of these famous Belarusian women reveals that indeed they are truly beautiful, enterprising, and full of charm. They seem to engage men in all they do and how they look. You should not be wondering why the luckiest men in the world should be those from Belarus.

You can also take a closer look at these beautiful damsels from Belarus. To start with, even though they are surrounded by and share a lot in common with Ukraine and Russia, Belarusian women are very different from the women of those countries. For one, they tend to have more style than their counterparts in Ukraine and Russia. This might explain why they seem to excel as fashion models. They are also known to be more independent of men. So if you are thinking of dating a Belarusian woman and putting her under your wing, you might have to think again.

A girl from Belarus would want to be an independent woman, not one to tie around your waist like a belt. Apart from their independence and style, Belarusian girls are very resolute, focused, and ambitious. Perhaps this is why they strive for excellence and achievement. They are never satisfied with any position or possession they have at present. That would be a good thing for any man who wants a focused and ambitious woman for a date, and perhaps as a life partner.

You should think and talk about their physical attributes. Apart from their unmistakable beauty, charm, and determination, these women of Belarus are quite tall. With their average height measuring 166cm, it is not surprising that Belarusian women are listed as some of the tallest women in the world. But their heights are not the only good parts to them. They are quite shapely, alluring, and seductive to look at. Truly, no man worth his onions would not deny that there is a certain spark they always experience whenever they first encounter these gorgeous- looking and homely Eastern Europe beauties.

The beauty of a woman from Belarus has been praised earlier when it was stated that they feature prominently as fashion models. However, the truth is that their beauty stands out in a striking way. In fact, most men say that it is the striking beauty of these women that they first notice. The next thing that would come to your mind when you see how incredibly charming these women are would be just how lucky the men of Belarus must be to be surrounded by such beauty everyday.

A Belarusian woman is beautiful and charming to look at hands down. On average, they have shapes that would make the hearts of even the staunchest of men to race like a torpedo, impatient to get to its destination. If you were wondering why they could excel so well as fashion models then your answer is literally going to be staring you in the face as you admire these beauties closely.

As can be expected of a woman fit to model, the women of Belarus have got shapely curves that would tempt you to want to touch. Their breasts are full and ample, sufficient enough for any chosen and lucky man to grasp, play with, and suckle endlessly. Their backsides are perky and firm, not unnecessarily huge and gargantuan in an intimidating way. Indeed, when you watch a girl from Belarus take a walk you would be encouraged to come close to her and not wonder how to get close to her. Her looks are undoubtedly inviting. And if you can get her attention, be sure not to fall into a daze because of her eyes.

The eyes of a Belarusian woman are entrancing no doubt. In fact, many men often talk about how they can become easily enchanted simply by looking into their eyes. They are inviting and alluring at the same time, something that is surely going to excite you as well as mesmerize you. But do not believe the tales that others might have about these women. The fact is that they are beautiful enough to encourage you to want to make a move at them. And you are going to soon be getting to that in a moment when you read about how to pick up a Belarusian woman.

RatingLooks Looks of girls: 4 / 5

The women who hail from Belarus are very charming and very beautiful. What would appeal to most men is their above-average height which makes them among the tallest women in the world. This is a positive selling point, in addition to their shapely bodies loaded with firm breasts and bums. It is no wonder why they excel in fashion as models. And their intellect and other intellectual prowess would appeal to any man who wants to have a companion to talk with as well. The above rating justifies the looks of Belarusian women.

RatingAttitude Attitude of girls: 4 / 5

The women who are from Belarus are well-known for their warmth and friendly personalities. They are soft-spoken and very approachable. And what would make you easily fall for them is their down-to-earth nature along with their belief in being very homely. It is no wonder that many men readily make them life partners. Their mannerisms and etiquette levels are some of the best among women in Europe. The above rating is a justification of the positive attitudes of women from the country of Belarus.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Belarus. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

How to Pick Up Girls

It is not going to be an impossible mission to pick up a Belarusian woman. The question you should ask yourself first is if such women from the country of Belarus would appeal to you. This is because if you are looking for a jet-setter, world traveler, or an uber-modern and super independent woman of class then perhaps you just need to take your searchlights elsewhere. It was stated earlier that Belarusian women are not just beautiful but they are charming and very homely. In other words, they are very open-minded and easy to interact with. They do not have any unnecessary airs about them. If this is the kind of woman you need, then you have literally won the game already. Simply be your charming self and act naturally.

Find out what you can about their history, their country, sports, and some books as well. Remember that apart from excelling in the literature world they are also good as sports athletes and gymnasts. If you show interest in those fields while acting your natural self you are surely going to ace it in making an approach to these beautiful and homely women of Belarus.

RatingPickup Chance of picking up: 4 / 5

The chances of picking up horny women in the country of Belarus are very high. Even though their local women tend to be very friendly, knowledgeable, and open, do not expect them to simply tell you everything about themselves from the get-go. Any discerning man would tell that no woman worth her salt would want to give off such a cheap impression. Rather, a Belarusian woman would want to prove her worth to you so that you would appreciate what you are getting. The rating awarded above indicates your chances of success at picking up Belarusian women.

Tips for Daytime

The daytime game in Belarus is quite good. To start with, recall that this country is landlocked in between some other neighboring European countries like Russia, Latvia, and Ukraine. This is perhaps why it is marshy and relatively flat. And because almost half of this country is covered by forests, you should not be surprised that hiking tends to be a favorite pastime among tourists to this country. So surely if you are into outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, or outdoor games you are one step ahead of your male counterparts who are not.

Another fun fact about this country is that it is well-known for its numerous bodies of water. Apart from its three major rivers that run through the country, there are 11,000 lakes and several streams. By now, you should already be thinking of trips with your Belarusian love interest in their rivers and lakes. You clearly have numerous options to choose from and it would be great to ask your Belarusian woman which would be the best ones to visit together. You should equally note that your appearance matters. Just because you are thinking of an outdoor adventure with your Belarusian woman does not mean you should walk up to her dressed up in khaki shorts, a sleeveless shirt, and a backpack and then ask for a date with her. That is a big no, no. Rather, be well dressed, even if it is casual with clean trousers and a nice shirt. The outdoor adventure would come later on. Right now, you need to create a positive first impression.

How to approach the girls? It would be quite easy to approach a Belarusian woman that you are interested in. The reason why this is so could probably be because of their open-minded and homely nature. After all, a lot of men have confirmed this important detail about them. However, remember that they also excel in literature, sports, and other fields. So be ready to share ideas and talk about what might be of their interest. If it is sports, then engage them in sports. If it is books and literature, talk about that. You need to be in her zone and space, talking about what is of interest to her.

Women in this country appreciate men who are down-to-earth and gentlemanly. Don’t think you need to impress her with too much talk about all that you know with regards to NASA and nuclear physics. Remember that she would be far more attracted to you by the little details you display, the way you compliment her attire and looks, how you talk, and the kind of jokes you share. You are a gentleman who wants to woo a woman not an F16 jet plane fighter trying to take out the enemy at all costs!

RatingDaytime Chance of picking up at daytime: 3.5 / 5

Your chances of picking up Belarusian women during the day are quite good. Be your natural self, in your best appearance, play the gentleman card, visit places that women of Belarus love to relax at, engage them in nice conversations and your plan is going to succeed.

Best Places to Meet Girls

Belarus ranks as one of the liveliest to visit in Eastern Europe. Apart from its numerous natural lakes, rivers, and streams, there are vast forest reserves that would be ideal for outdoor activities like canoeing, and hiking. In addition, there are several other landmarks dotting in different cities. It is really up to you to decide where and when you would prefer to check out these monuments that are favorite places where you can meet girls. Some of these monuments to check out in some of their cities are as follows:

  • The city of Minsk which is the capital of Belarus is known for:
  • Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History
  • The Red Church
Funeral of Ryhor Baradulin in Red Church, Minsk

Viciebsk houses the following:

  • Chagall House Museum
Chagall House Museum
  • Marc Chagall Art Center
Marc Chagall Art Center
  • The Zaslawskaye Reservoir: It is perfect for walking trails and its beachfront picnic area.

Gomel is located in the southwestern part of Belarus and is well known for:

  • Museum of Military Glory
Museum of Military Glory
  • Gomel Palace
Gomel Palace

The city of Brest boasts of the following:

  • Railway Museum
Railway Museum
  • Brest Hero Fortress
Brest Hero Fortress

Other places of interest that make the best use of Belarus and its natural endowments where you are sure to find some of the beautiful women of this country are:

  • Lake Narach
Lake Narach
  • Tulavo – with several lakes and beaches
  • Dryvyaty – this lake is sizeable and perfect for fishing and swimming.
  • Narac – lots of parks and lakes.
  • Sialiava Lake
  • Miastra – beach and lake
  • Voukavicy – beaches
  • Petrovichi – beaches, lakes, and reservoirs.
  • Milograd- beaches.
  • Bol’shie Kosichi – beaches and lakes.

On any outings you decide to go on with your Belarusian date, do not be surprised by the abundance of sweets that would certainly get served to you. This country is famous for its sweets comprising of those from the Soviet era and those that are authentic Belarusian. Popular sweets among guests from abroad and residents include their glazed curd bars, sguschenka, glazed cranberry, chocolate candles, and zephyr. Another good idea for meeting girls in Belarus would be to check them up in their shopping districts and malls. Some options that are the best for this include:

  • Galleria Minsk
  • Zamok
  • Stolista Underground Mall
  • Dana Mall
  • Galileo Mall

Tips for Nighttime

The night time game in Belarus are even more exciting than those engaged during the daytime. As can be expected after a hard day of work, people would want to unwind by jumping into the streets in search of the best pubs to get a drink in or a restaurant for a meal and some socializing. You would be in luck in catching one of these Eastern Europe beauties. They love to take popular cocktails, beer, as well as their local brew. The country is quite known for its tasty wines and beers so be ready to catch up on some of these along with their sweets as you enjoy your date.

RatingNighttime Chance of hooking up at nighttime: 4 / 5

The chances of hooking up during the night in Belarus are quite high. The daytime is a more formal time of the day when you get to meet them at their beautiful and charming best. But at nighttime, these beauties reveal their sexy and alluring sides. You should not expect to do much hard work to nail one or more of them and get laid. Surely, the rating above would be justified when you put your plans into motion for a night with these Belarusian women.

Best Nightclubs to Meet Girls

The nightclubs of Belarus are superb, with great ambiance, good music and packed dance floors with hot Belarusian women gyrating somewhat seductively to the rhythm of the night. For a first-timer, you might be taken aback by the seemingly careless abandon and carefree attitude that these damsels are sure to display in most of these nightclubs. But who are you to judge? Apart from the fact that everyone has a right to unwind after a hard day’s job, remember why you are here in the first place: to meet some nice girls from this wonderful country and not to judge how they unwind and have fun. So get up and get ready to go and meet one or more of these beauties already!

Some of the best places you can expect to meet hot women in Belarus would be in their pick up bars and nightclubs. Most of you guys who have been reading through this article would be very interested in this section. Heck, some of you might even say that it has been held back for too long. But sometimes it is better to serve the best details at the end. The pick-up bars and nightclubs you simply have to check out are:

  • Insomnia at 1 Ulitsa Gertsena
  • Gamrbinus at Plosca Svabody 2
  • Graffiti at 16 Zavulak Kalinina
  • Clever Irish Pub at Vulica Hikaly 5
  • Svobody 4 at Plosca Svabody 4
  • Black House at 12 Kiseleva St
  • TNT Rock Club at Vulica Revaliucyjnaja
  • Private House at Ulitsa Zyitskaya 9
  • Rich Cat at Vulica Viery Charuzaj 29
  • Doodah King at Vulica Beirsana 14
RatingLooks Nightlife in general: 4 / 5

The nightlife in Belarus is the true definition of a clash of culture and beauty. There is no doubt the Belarusian woman is proud of her heritage and where she is from which is evident in how often she would talk about Belarus. On the other hand, this country is beautiful in every sense of the word and there is no other expression of such elegance and looks than seeing a Belarusian woman during the nightlife.

Mature Ladies and Cougars

As can be expected, a lot of the homely ladies of Belarus tend to get married when they are young and in their twenties. However, this is not because they are being pressurized to do so. Rather, it is a common trend that many of them are known to pursue so that they can settle down and start their own families. And for those that do get hooked up with some lucky man of their dreams they are known to remain in their marriages and build a family. In spite of this tendency to want to have a family, there are still those who would like to explore what it feels like to have an active dating life especially with the influx of tourists from other countries abroad.

Their zest for adventure and exploration seems to be inborn especially when one considers the natural forests, lakes, rivers, and beautiful landscapes that are literally begging any resident and tourist to explore them. And if you are a tourist you are in for a ride because in any way it goes with you and your lucky Belarusian date you are still going to come out a winner. If she is intent on settling down and you are down with it, then you are in luck. If she wants to explore the world with you and you are equally feeling the same vibes, then you are also still in luck. At the other end of the spectrum are those rare few women who have been married and divorced before. They exist even though they could be rare to run into.

If you are lucky enough to stumble upon one of them you are in for the time of your life. Such cougars and mature women do not mind hanging out and having sex with men that are far younger than they are. And there is no condescending attitude or ridicule from such women. Rather, they would make a man who is as young as their son to feel like he has never felt before in bed with another woman. It is probably because of their experience in sex and matters of the heart that they have honed so well over time.


Regions of Belarus
Brest Oblast
Gomel Oblast
Grodno Oblast
Mogilev Oblast
Minsk Oblast
Vitebsk Oblast


Minsk, as seen from a height
  • Brest - regional capital on the Western border with Poland with impressive architectural sights.
Railway Station in Brest
  • Gomel - also spelled Homel.
Centraĺny District, Gomel
  • Grodno - also often spelled Hrodna.
Leninsky, Grodno
  • Nesvizh - also spelled Njasvizh or Nyasvizh.
Nesvizh Castle
  • Polotsk - also spelled Polatsk, the oldest city in Belarus (first mentioned in written sources in IX century) with some interesting historical architecture.
Monument to Symeon of Polotsk
  • Lida - a medium-sized city with a well-preserved medieval castle.
Lida Castle
  • Mogilev - also spelled Mahiljou and Mahilyow.


When visiting Belarus, dating can be a fun and interesting experience., lets you meet local members in Belarus and get to know them on a personal basis before you arrive. It just takes a few minutes, you simply create an account, upload a few images and tell a little about yourself. Since time in your destination may be limited, get to know each other’s desires beforehand so when you do meet, you can skip the awkward introductions and start having some real fun.

Top Dating Tips

If you are planning on dating in the country of Belarus then you are in for an experience that would be unique and exhilarating especially if you happen to be a tourist that is on a visit that would last a couple of weeks. When it comes to women, Belarusian women are known to be conservative and shy. They would not easily come out of their shells and reveal their sexy nature on the first encounter with a foreigner. But this should not deter you. As soon as she can connect with you on any level –whether intellectual for those that love to read, sports for the athletic ones or outdoors for those drawn to nature – then she would open up and decide to explore some intimacy with you.

When it comes to intimacy, the women of Belarus can be quite possessive and demanding, wanting to ravish and have all of you. You might wonder how fast they tend to fall for you, but then it is easy to forget that they already knew what they wanted and all you simply did was to provide it to them earlier in the most gentlemanly manner. In other words, all the efforts you made to woo her, by being at your best appearance and good behavior, going on an outing and a date, all these would have laid the ground for what she is now going to display to you in raw and unbridled sex. She would not have to hold anything back anymore because it is not going to be necessary. If there is any other trait you should know about the Belarusian women it is that they always know what they want when it comes to sex and when you can offer it to them, they hold nothing back.

Relationships and Love

Thousands of single women in Belarus are searching for a partner and potential future husband. Check out an ultimate guide for dating local girls, relationships, love and marriage: Relationship & Love Guide to Belarus

Online Dating

The birth and arrival of the Internet have opened up the country of Belarus to online dating. Even though you are still going to find those homely women who would rather prefer to meet and talk with you on a quiet get together in a bar or restaurant, there are those that would still readily explore online dating. This preference for online dating is especially a trait amongst youthful girls, college-going women, and those in white-collar jobs. And with the availability of technology, there are now dating apps and websites where tourists and visitors to Belarus can meet with their girls from various parts of the country even before their arrival in Belarus. The advantages that these online dating platforms afford are truly numerous.

It can be quite fun interacting with Belarusian women online. But remember that even though you may already have an extensive rapport with one or more of them online, there is no guarantee that sex would be what would happen on your first physical date. She still has to know you in person. And you are supposed to be a gentleman with her. So be patient and do not rush her to bed right away.

Here are some websites to visit if you want to date Belarusian women:

  • RussianCupid- Undoubtedly, the best online dating website in the country of Belarus is It is especially a hit amongst tourists and foreigners whose knowledge of the Russian language is not too strong. You can expect that this website is unique and amazing, just like other websites that are managed by Cupid Media. You might not know this but used to be the name of sometime in the past. Its name was changed and the site was given an extensive makeover after Cupid Media Network acquired it.
  • LovePlanet- This website is a great option for searching for Belarusian women even though it was designed as a dating website for Russian singles when it was launched in 2005. It surely has some premium features even though it is basically free for users to use to connect and interact with their love interests. Perhaps as a result of it having mostly free features, this dating website tends to provide only basic features.
  • Mamba- This website is going to assist you in quickly finding a perfect match if you already speak some Russian. With more than 23 million members, this website ranks as one of the biggest dating websites worldwide.

Other dating apps you can consider using in Belarus are Bumble, Tinder, and Badoo. Of course, the preference you have over which of them to use would most likely depend on where you are based at the moment before arriving in the country of Belarus.

Live Cam Dating

Are you looking for virtual satisfaction in Belarus? Chat with live web camera models and find the best girl for your needs. There are thousands of girls online 24/7 waiting for you: Live Cam Girls

What Kind of Guys Have the Best Chances

The country of Belarus does pretty well in Eastern Europe. Their local people live decent lives because their per capita income is impressive. Apart from the country maintaining a growing trade relationship with the European Union, its GDP has continued to show steady increases throughout successive years. These are all signs that the economy in Belarus is strong. As a result, their women tend to be attracted to men who are well educated, have a good personality, and are open-minded and fun to be with.

You should expect to see lots of skin at their numerous lakes and beaches. The Belarusian woman is not afraid of flaunting her flawless beauty and irresistible charms whenever she can. Get ready to be swept off your feet.

If you want to have the highest chances at success with a Belarusian woman ensure that you understand their local culture, have a love for the outdoors and sports, and be a gentleman when you are around them.

Risks while Gaming

The country of Belarus is safe to visit. You can trust their law enforcement agents and police. As an individual on a tourist visit to this Eastern Europe country, you should never entertain any fears of your personal liberties and rights ever being violated at any time. This country places a lot of respect for personal rights and human rights. And all around Europe, they are renowned for their low crime rates. When it comes to safe and peaceful travel destinations, Belarus ranks highly. With this in mind, you should always be respectful of the women you approach.

Do not try to be smart or aggressive except you want to have a run-in with the law. In addition, it is worthwhile to have some spare change in case of an emergency. Be wary too of pickpockets, bag snatchers, and other petty thieves. Thirdly, it is better to invite a Belarusian woman to your room for a night of fun rather than choosing to meet up in some secluded and dark areas.

How to Get Laid as Soon as Possible

The best places to get laid as quickly as possible would be to go to Minsk, Krupki, or Brest, its three largest cities. This is not to say that you cannot get laid in other cities. However, because of the cosmopolitan nature of the afore-mentioned cities, huge amounts of party places and clubs, large populations, liberal mindsets, and the wide usage of dating apps and sites in these cities, getting laid would be quite fast here than in any of the local areas.

Gold Diggers and Sugar Babies

Belarus is full of hot girls looking for a mutually beneficial hookup with travellers. There are lots of girls who don’t charge by the hour but who will do anything for a guy who is willing to help them pay their bills. If you are looking for a more personal and less transactional alternative to escorts, a good place to find these sexy open-minded girls in Belarus is SecretBenefits.


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Swinging and Naturism

The tourists who come visiting the country of Belarus are actually the sexually active and wild people that you are bound to see here and not the local people. The European women especially those from Russia and Ukraine, as well as others from other European countries, tend to be very outgoing and liberal in matters like sex, open relationships and swinging. And because of their similarity in looks, you would be forgiven for mistaking them to be Belarusian women.

It is a result of this influx of tourists that the women of Belarus have become more outgoing and would therefore not mind experimenting with different sex styles and even naturism. As a matter of fact, nudism is not permitted and neither is it illegal in Belarus. This means you can get away hanging out in your buff but you need to be sure of which of the beaches to do so.

Costs of Living

Belarus is a country that is a bit expensive to pay a visit to. To expand further on this point, see below for our reasons:

CostsDay Single traveler’s budget per day: US$60 - $450

A tourist who plans on visiting the country of Belarus should not expect that they would be expending over 60 USD each day. This is a figure that is reasonable and affordable, especially for those whose travel budgets are not too huge. For those who would want a luxurious trip and that can afford to do so, then they should not be thinking of spending anything lower than 450 USD each day. That amount would surely be justified by the kind of luxurious encounters they would enjoy in Belarus.

CostsAccommodation Accommodation per night: US$20 - $300

Accommodation rates can vary from as low as 20 USD to as high as 300 USD in the country of Belarus. The higher cost can be justified by the luxurious and opulent facilities that are available for tourists and those willing to get more bangs out of their bucks. Additional details are listed below:

CostsBeerBottle Beer in a grocery shop: US$2 - $4

When you buy beer from the usual grocery shops they cost around 2 USD. You should expect to pay more for the imported varieties.

CostsBeerBar Beer in a bar or restaurant: US$4 - $6

Local guides and escorts in Belarus would suggest to you that the current trend there is that whenever you want to enjoy your beer in a restaurant or bar then you should be willing to fork out at least twice the price of what it goes for in grocery stores. This is why the pint of beer is estimated to go for between 4 to 6 USD at the least.

CostsMeal Meal in a restaurant: US$6 - $30

There are excellent dining options in the country of Belarus. Apart from their wide array of drinks and their local brew, you can enjoy their local delicacies and steaks. There is also a wide array of sweets that this Eastern European country is well known for. The meals are also healthy and nutritious. Depending on how good and how much you need, their meals are quite affordable at a cost of 6 USD. If you would prefer finer dining options then expect to pay as much as 30 USD.


Accommodation in the country of Belarus is affordable. The country has a lot of BnBs, hostels, and small rooms, with the cheapest ones having a starting price of 10-20 USD. The five-star hotels in larger cities like Minsk and Brest can cost as low as 200 or 300 USD with the expected perks that would be offered by such luxurious places.

How to Get There and Move Around

Details about the transportation system in the country of Belarus are provided below:

By air:

The country of Belarus has 3 international airports and 4 local airports making it a total of 7 airports all of which are recognized by the IITA. These airports boast of modern facilities like runways that are paved, huge hangars, spacious arrival and departure halls, and shopping centers. The 3 major international airports are Minsk International 1 Airport, Minsk International 2 Airport, and Mogilev Airport. A tourist would always enjoy visiting these airports.

Minsk National Airport, Minsk

By bus:

The country of Belarus has a very affordable and reliable local bus transportation systems. You can connect with and move around the country using these bus systems. Their intercity buses move around all night while the in-city ones operate from dusk till dawn.

Buses at the Central Bus Station in Minsk

By car:

The country of Belarus roadways is paved with some having dual carriageways. Major cities of the country of Belarus are connected by their smooth interstate roads which provide visiting tourists with unfettered and beautiful views of their beaches,lakes and streams as well as their lush and evergreen forests. In fact, a ride through their roads is an excursion all on its own. It is not unusual for tourists to request to hike through their landscapes and forests by car because of the opportunity to interact with their abundant natural surroundings.

Local taxis

By train:

In the country of Belarus, the largest railway system is the one operated by the Minsk Railways System. It has a track gauge of 1.520 mm and has been in operation since 1992 to date. Other cities have their own railways as well. You can connect with most of your destinations in Belarus through their railway systems. Also, you can link up with their neighboring countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Latvia by train. Such trips would be exhilarating and full of fun and adventure because of the scenic views of more forests, beaches, lakes, and rivers and streams that you are bound to run into.

A train rolling in at the railway station in Minsk

By boat:

At present, water transport in Belarus enjoys a development that is rich and sustained. The government is in full support of this means of transportation because of the undeniable link it has to boosting the country’s economy through transport services to passengers and cargo and exploitation for tourism. Earlier, you learned of the numerous scenic waterways in this country. And the best way to truly admire them is by taking a boat trip. And if you are one with such an interest, then prepare to spend most of your time in their boats.

The country boasts of as much as 1,600 km of waterways. Transportation is provided along such notable rivers like the Dniaprouska-Buhski Kanal, Nioman, Soz, Zachodniaja Dzvina, Biarezina, Pryypiac, and the Dniapro.

As many as 2,000 people are employed by the river fleet in the country of Belarus, which lends credence to the importance the government places on this means of transportation.

Tour boats at Svislach River in Minsk


Presently, if you wish to visit the tourist zones of Belarus you would enjoy a ten-day visa-free regime. All you would require for such a ten-day visa-free visit are travel medical insurance with at least 10,000 euros as minimum coverage, a passport that is valid or any other identity document of equivalent value. If you are from the US and desire to visit Belarus for 30 days it would be possible to do so without the need for a visa. However, you must have a valid passport, and your entrance and exit into Belarus has to be through their International Airport at Minsk.

Digital Nomads and Remote Work

The country of Belarus is going to be suitable for digital nomads and those who like remote work and freelancing. Apart from their great nightlife, they offer good quality healthcare, low crime rates, affordable accommodation, and friendly locals. You might need to work on your language speaking skills though because even though there are those that can speak English most prefer to speak Russian with their local dialects.

Internet and Mobile Operators

The country of Belarus has excellent internet access and excellent coverage for mobile networks. Their major telecom operators are:

  • A1 – formerly known as Velcome and currently owned by the Telekom Austria Group
  • Life – owned mostly by Turkcell
  • MTS – owned by both MTS Russia and Beltelecom
  • Becloud – offers to all providers 4G/LTE and is partly owned by the state.

Gambling and Casinos

Presently, gambling facilities are only offered by one city in Belarus. That city is none other than Minsk their capital and largest city. There are as many as 11 gambling facilities in Minsk and all of them are legal. In addition, there are also 667 gaming, slot, and video poker machines, as well as 95 table games. Legal gambling such as sport-betting parlors and casinos are actually permitted in Belarus.

Weed and Drugs

It is illegal to use or produce cannabis in Belarus. The cultivation of cannabis was banned by the government on 31 December 2016. The problem of drug use in the country of Belarus mostly has to do with the injection of amphetamines, opiates, and other substances that are psychoactive. But note that such use is still deemed to be illegal whenever they are used in public places. In fact, there is a punishment of fines between 50 and 150 euros for any use of psychotropics and drugs in public places. The government has declared a war on these drugs.

Health, Fitness, Gyms and Massage

The people of the country of Belarus are fitness enthusiasts which explain why most of them excel in athletics as well as gymnastics on the world stage. You can expect to see both men and women working out in gyms and in fields and parks. If you need suggestions, you can always ask around for directions to the best ones. You can also get good massage parlors and spas in their cities.

STDs and HIV

Since 2010, it has been estimated that AIDS-related deaths have increased by 13% and new HIV infections have increased by 65%. These statistics point to the fact that it is very possible to contract STIs, STDs, and HIV if you indulge in unprotected sex in the country of Belarus. Therefore, it is recommended that you get as many condoms and practice safe sex when you want to get laid with your love interest in the wonderful and beautiful country of Belarus.

Stay Safe

Belarus has a moderate level of crime. Fortunately, crimes against foreigners are rare, though criminals have been known to use force if met with resistance from victims. Common street crime, such as mugging and pickpocketing, occurs most frequently near public transportation venues, near hotels frequented by foreigners, and/or at night in poorly lit areas. In many areas, you should be especially alert in metro and bus stations, as criminals have a likely chance of attacking you.

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